Securing access to physical or digital resources
SEALSQ provides a unique combination of secure hardware platforms, provisioning and personalization services supporting the development of bespoke physical or logical access control applications.
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Digital identity provisioning and zero-touch onboarding for IoT
Zero Touch provisioning is an automatic and secure way to onboard devices in any IoT cloud platform that uses X.509 authentication technology.
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Protecting Access
Controlling and monitoring access to physical assets like facilities, or digital access to data and applications is the first step of any security system. Today, organizations need to implement a trusted and manageable identity framework for users, but also cryptography and physical tamper resistance to enforce the frontier between restricted and unrestricted access.
Trusted Identities
From the generation and management of digital identities to the pre-provisioning on tamper resistant chips
Secure Hardwares
Our hardware platforms are certified Common Criteria EAL5+ by independent laboratories. A robust ground to develop trusted applications
Works from PoC stage to millions of units.
All the tools & support for easy integration and fast time-to-market

The Challenge: Protecting physical access
Controlling the physical access to sensitive premises is becoming more and more important for both private and public infrastructures. Today’s connected solutions feature ID-cards, mobile phones, key fobs or the like to identify and manage each user's access and privileges.
The Solution: MS6001 & SEALSQ Trust services
The secure ARM SC300 microcontroller MS6001 provides the bedrock for keyless entry systems. When provisioned with an identity and integrated in an electronic lock, its tamper resistance, memory size and integrated cryptographic algorithms allow our customers to develop stand-alone systems that are capable of autonomously authenticating the access-credentials a person presents to the lock.

Key Features & Benefits
Certified Common Criteria EAL5+
MByte of flash memory, versatile cryptographic toolbox, rich set of interfaces, the MS6001 allows a large variety of applications, protocols and algorithms to be developed.
Small footprint
Available in two standard packages formats and as bare die, the MS6001 can be integrated in almost any electronic door lock system.,
The MS6001 can be loaded in WISeKey’s secure production process with sensitive application data, keys, identities and even program code, relieving the door lock manufacturing of this essential and sensitive process.
Scalable & Easy to implement
Reduced time-to-market with all the tools & support required from testing to field implementation. The solutions work from PoC stage to millions of devices.
Smart Support
Dedicated project support to offer a personalized solution adapted to the use-case.

The Challenge: Protecting remote logical access
To access online data and services, simple passwords or even two factor authentication (OTP, TOTP,SMS) are not considered secure enough by government agencies and data experts. To be considered strong, authentication must use a possession factor incorporating a qualified or certified safety component and be based on cryptographic mechanisms.
The FIDO-Alliance, backed by Appl, Microsoft and Google has come up with the FIDO authentication scheme, a USB dongle that contains all access credentials for participating websites. This dongle is obviously capable of executing complex cryptographic algorithms and keeping the required secrets safe from tampering.
The Solution: FIDO USB dongles built on MS6003
SEALSQ secure microcontroller MS6003 with integrated USB interface and optional identity provisioning gives our customers the possibility of easily implementing certified solutions for authentication on the web, such as FIDO Keys.

Key Features & Benefits
Certified Common Criteria EAL5+
MByte of flash memory, versatile cryptographic toolbox, rich set of interfaces, the MS6001 allows a large variety of applications, protocols and algorithms to be developed.
Reduced BOM
Having the USB 2.0 functions integrated in the chip, such as Real-Time Clock, Electrostatic Discharge Protection and 48MHz Clock Generation, no extra components are required for a dongle.
Smart Logistics and Production
The MS6001 can be loaded in WISeKey’s secure production process with sensitive application data, keys, identities and even program code, relieving the door lock manufacturing of this essential and sensitive process.
Scalable & Easy to implement
Reduced time-to-market with all the tools & support required from testing to field implementation. The solutions work from PoC stage to millions of devices.
Custom adjustment
Dedicated project support to offer a personalized solution adapted to the use-case.

The challenge: Authenticate users
Be it for physical access control, or access to data on a computer or cloud service, or access to medical records for a patient, solutions are built on the use of physical ID-cards. These cards, containing the credentials of the user, need to be read or programmed to allow the required access to the resource.
The Solution: The SCR family of card readers
The SCR family of card readers are provided as hardware platforms alone or with integrated third-party applications, allowing customers to quickly build smart card readers without requiring custom development. Based on 8/16-bit RISC processors, WISeKey’s Smart Card Reader chips are EMV-CO compliant and equipped with DC/DC for a wide compatibility with smart cards.

Key Features & Benefits
Rich variety of supported smart cards
The SCR family has an EMV Level 1 compliant ISO 7816 Smart Card Interface and DC/DC based support of Class A, B, C from 2.7V-5.5V Power Supply.
Reduced BOM
Having eight endpoints USB 2.0 integrated in the chip, such as Real-Time Clock, Electrostatic Discharge Protection and 48MHz Clock Generation, no extra components are required when the chip is used in a USB-dongle.
Large number of interfaces
high speed SPI, I²C and USART interfaces plus 8x8 Matrix Keyboard Interface.
Easy development
The 16 MHz 8/16 bit RISC CPU and up to 128kByte Flash allow a fast development cycle and flexibility in deployment. Our ROM version SCR075 allows for cost optimization and stability in application code.
WISEKEY reader chips are used by world leading Smart Card Reader OEM’s to build contact and dual-interface smart card readers, targeting applications in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, government, and education. Public and private organizations use these identity verification devices when seeking the highest security and performance in access management.
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