
Investor FAQs

Have Question? We are here to help

Where is SEALSQ headquartered?

Avenue Louis-Casaï 58 1216 Cointrin, Switzerland

Where is the company incorporated?

Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town Tortola, British Virgin Islands 1110

When did SEALSQ go public? At what price?

SEALSQ went public in May 2023 after a Spin-Off Distribution.

Where does SEALSQ stock trade?

On the NASDAQ Global Market: ticker symbol “LAES”

What is SEALSQ’s fiscal year?

The Company’s fiscal year is based on calendar year ending December 31

Where can I find out more about SEALSQ?


Who is SEALSQ's auditor?

Route de Meyrin 123
1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland