Research & Innovation 

Leading the path to Quantum-proof & Deep Learning resistant products

Innovating Relentlessly

In 25 years of operations, we have filed more than 500 patents but we do not stop here, we continuously strive for innovation to make tomorrow’s connected world a safer place. In our innovation labs, a select team of research engineers & cryptography specialists prepares the chips that will enable your devices to resist new forms of attacks, more sophisticated and powerful, like the ones using AI Deep Learning technology and Quantum computer’s massive computation power.

Key figures

A global leader in Digital Security

Picto SEAL SQ -  years

24 Years experience

Picto SEAL SQ -  Patents

130+ Active Patents 

Picto SEAL SQ - Chip bleu

1.5 Billions Chips Installed

Picto SEAL SQ -  Research Investments

$3+ Millions Post Quantum Research Investments

SEAL SQ Quantum-Proof Cryptography

Quantum-Proof Cryptography

In 2016, realizing the huge threat of Quantum Computers breaking existing cryptographic algorithms, the NIST has launched a call for applications in order to develop quantum-proof cryptography. SealSQ is on the forefront of this exciting 21st century technology challenge !

AI, Deep Learning & Other attacks 

With the rise of AI, hackers are leveraging Deep Learning technology to perform so-called “side channel” attacks on devices. Secure microchip providers should be up to date in terms of security philosophy, concept strategy and countermeasures for efficiently keeping up with the threat.

SEAL SQ  AI, Deep Learning & Other attacks
SEAL SQ About Research & InnovationOur research team

Our research team

SEALSQ’s experience and knowledge in developing secure hardware and firmwares roots back to the invention of smart cards. 

Innovation partners

SEALSQ’s innovation is the fruit of many collaborations ongoing with local or international organizations and academic institutions. We contribute all together to push-back the boundaries of technology to build a more secure connected world.

SEAL SQ Anti-counterfeiting & Brand protection FIDO USB dongles built on MS6003
Quantum-proof algorithms in secure hardwares

Quantum-proof algorithms in secure hardwares

Download our doctoral thesis on the implementation of post-quantum algorithms in our secure architectures.


Fill the form to download our report


Learn more about our Quantum research

Exploiting ROLLO

Exploiting ROLLO’s constant time implementations with a single trace analysis

Optimized and secure implementation of ROLLO I

Optimized and secure implementation of ROLLO I

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, March 31, 2021

“We must prepare for [post-quantum technology] now to protect the confidentiality of data that already exists today and remains sensitive in the future.”